Welcome to RevitaLESE
The social economy is a business model that works for the future of Europe. This platform showcases the value of European social enterprises, offers inspiration to the next generation of social entrepreneurs and educates people about the necessary steps needed to ensure a more sustainable society.

Podcasts, case studies and other information about the European social economy

Organisations and individuals working
in the social economy across the EU

Social Economy News
Trends, tips and other information
about what is happening in the sector
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Latest News
The Educational Association of Athens "Hfaistos", named after the ancient Greek God of fire, Hephaestus, is a venerable non-profit organization with a long history dating back to its inception in 1935. "Hfaistos" has consistently maintained a cornerstone in the domain...
Branding Heritage: Bridging Greek Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Creation
In an ever-changing world where tradition and innovation frequently collide, cultural heritage protection and promotion are critical. The efforts of the "Branding Heritage" Culture Organization, a beacon illuminating the route between Greek tradition and modern...
Aelia Lab
Aelia started assisting different individuals in diverse business disciplines and across multiple professional contexts in 2013. It began as a social venture to build capability. Aelia is a Learning & Development Agency that creates challenge-focused, modular...