Social economy
What is the role of volunteers in the social economy?

What is the role of volunteers in the social economy?

In a world where social and environmental challenges continue, the social economy offers innovative solutions to complex problems. At the heart of this sector lies the spirit of voluntary work, which drives transformative change in communities around the world....

Artificial Intelligence and Social Entrepreneurship

Artificial Intelligence and Social Entrepreneurship

According to the "Social Business Initiative" of the European Commission launched in 2011, a social enterprise is an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. More...

Characteristics of long standing social Entrepreneurs

Characteristics of long standing social Entrepreneurs

Personal elements, personality attributes, and life outlooks that can contribute to a long-lasting social enterprise. Social entrepreneurship harmoniously blends the intense passion for addressing social issues with the pragmatism of business acumen. The individuals...

What is a sales plan? 

What is a sales plan? 

The sales plan is a key tool of any company and is of particular importance to long-term established enterprises and startups. Anyone planning to start their own business, or already doing business, should have a planned sale at least 12 months in advance. Reading the...

Scenario Planning Guide

Scenario Planning Guide

There is a saying that all plans are a bit useless after all because there is always something unforeseen, but that is why the activity of planning itself is the most useful practice for our business.  It’s about dealing with unknowns, and making decisions when so...

Marketing is a relationship

Marketing is a relationship

Marketing is your relationship with the market. No matter what specific sector, activity you are engaged in, marketing should always be seen as a relationship development and not a side activity. If we want a relationship to succeed, we have to work hard and bring...

Get to your buyers

Get to your buyers

Every business responds to some need. If no one needs what you offer then you are out of work. If someone wants or needs your offer, it means that you are valuable to that person – you make their lives easier or better.  When you go to start a business, the first item...