As a part of RevitaLESE project, a new platform will inform, educate and connect social economy actors in the whole EU. Besides telling more about the project, it also features interactive map, blog posts, case studies and podcast episodes relevant to social economy organizations and individuals.
The information can be found in four simple sections. In the section about the project you will find information about the partners, the outcomes as well as more information about LESE (long established social economy) organizations – everything to understand the reasoning and context for establishing such hub of knowledge and connections.

The second part of the website is dedicated to networking – an interactive map allows seeing the scope of European social economy, and gather information about social enterprises, NGOs, and individuals working in the field from the comfort of your laptop screen. To give space for discussions and exchange of experiences, a LinkedIn Group for any interested individual was created, too, and will soon feature social economy news from the whole Europe. Contact us directly if you also wish to be added to the map and/or LinkedIn Group and use the benefits of this EU-wide network!
In the page of useful resources you will soon find podcast episodes and case studies from valuable social economy organizations. After the training modules will have been tested and improved – this is also where you will find downloadable files in four languages to use in your own work in supporting social enterprises and other stakeholders. And the last, but not least – the blog section is where you will be able to find social economy news created by the RevitaLESE project partners.
You’ve got a story to feature in the blog? Let us know!